The SPYC meets at the Marina Clubhouse at 4323 Saltspring Drive.  All meetings begin with a potluck dinner at 6:30 PM and guests are always welcome! All meetings have interesting guest speakers, with a focus on safe and fun boating. The club utilizes the community barbecue pit during the summer when announced. Please see the schedule for dates.

You don’t have to be a boat owner to join the club.  Several of the cruises during the summer season are to destinations where the “Land Yacht” group of RV owners that are members can join the boaters for a fun weekend.

The Yacht Club publishes a newsletter monthly, The San Juanderer. Click on the link below to view the newsletter to find out what the SPYC has going on for the month and you will be able to see information on Events such as Opening Day and other events the Yacht Club offers to the community.

Sandy Point Yacht Club Registration Form

Sandy Point Yacht Club Bylaws

Dinghy Dames Opening Day

2023 Officers
Commodore –  Hough Folke
Vice Commodore –  Jeff McKay
Secretary- Kristi Hug
Treasurer Kristi Hug
Fleet Captain – Gordon Simpkinson

Minutes of the Meeting

The San Juanderer (Our Monthly Newsletter)