Board Members

Steve Stedman, President, Sandy Point Heights
Pat Malara, Vice President, Sandy Point Shores
Alicia Beck, Secretary & Treasurer, Sandy Point Shores
Bill Rinesmith, Director, At-large
Jim Kolbo, Director, At-large
Ed Schild, Director, At-large
Tobin Hull, Director, Sandy Point Heights

…(to contact a board member, please scroll to the bottom of the page)

Governing Documents

Bylaws & Articles of Incorporation can be viewed here.

Annual General Meeting Minutes

Upcoming Meeting Agenda:
(Upcoming meeting agendas will be posted 24 hours in advance)

Monthly Board Meeting Minutes:
(Board Meeting minutes can only be posted after they have been approved at the following Board Meeting. I.e. January Meeting minutes will be posted after the February Board meeting when its been voted and approved)

Archive Minutes

If you would like to see minutes prior to the last posted date, please contact the office.


Contact a Board Member

  • Please be descriptive. All board submissions will be discussed at the next board meeting, the board meets once a month. For more urgent issues, please contact the office at (360) 384-3921. Thank you!